Coronavirus Information
To keep our patients and staff as safe as possible, we have implemented several changes and are asking parents to read the information below.
Please prepare for your visit by learning about important changes we've made for the safety of our patients and staff.
Office visits should be limited to one guardian and only children with dental appointments (no siblings that don't have appointments if possible).
We ask that all individuals visiting the office bring and wear a mask or face covering (bandana or scarf) inside the office. Very young children who are unable to keep a mask on are exempt.
If in the past 2 weeks, you or anyone you have been in contact with has had a fever (100.4 F), cough, shortness of breath or was not feeling well, please reschedule your child’s appointment.
A COVID-19 symptoms screening questionnaire will be reviewed at check-in.
A contactless forehead temperature scan will be completed for all patients at check in and all staff members daily.
Patients will begin their appointment with a pre-procedural peroxide soaked gauze wipe to decrease bacterial and viral load. Patients can choose from mild mint or watermelon flavor.
There will be no toys or books in the waiting area to decrease potential contamination.
If your child is old enough or comfortable enough to go back with our staff, we ask that parents wait outside or in the waiting room. If you would like to speak to Dr. Nguyen, please let our dental assistants know. Otherwise, the dental assistant will review your child's visit with you when they bring your child back to the waiting area after the appointment.
Please fill out any necessary health history or insurance forms via the link emailed to you ahead of time. If you have new insurance, please call or email us prior to your appointment. This will decrease the amount of contacts in the office and the amount of time spent in the office.
We have implemented additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for our staff. Please let your children know our clinical staff may look a little more like bee keepers with their masks, face shields, hair covers, jackets and gloves! Our protective gear may vary depending on the procedure. As always, please try to stay as positive as possible when discussing the dentist with your child.
We have also invested in additional equipment and policy changes to keep our patients and staff safe.
We installed new, $10,000 hospital-grade Surgically Clean Air filtration units. These units were developed for hospitals in 2003 during the SARS outbreak and are very different from air filtration units you buy at the store.
Credit card payments can be keyed in (rather than swiped) at the front desk and receipts emailed for a touchless transaction.
Hand sanitizer will be available at check-in and throughout the office.
We have installed a plexiglass barrier at our reception desk.